How to fall safely on roller skates

How to fall safely on roller skates

Falling is common when learning to roller skate or inline skate, but there are steps you can take to minimize your risk of injury. The following are some tips on how to fall safely on roller skates:

  1. Keep your balance: Try to keep your balance and stay upright as much as possible. Keep your weight centered over your skates, and avoid leaning too far forward or backward.
  2. Practice falling: If you're new to roller skating, it's a good idea to practice falling in a controlled environment. Start by standing still on your skates and then slowly dropping to your knees. Gradually increase your speed and practice falling to the side or forward.
  3. Bend your knees: If you feel like you're going to fall, bend your knees to lower your center of gravity. This will make it easier to maintain your balance and help you absorb the impact of the fall.
  4. Protect your head and hands: When falling, try to protect your head and hands by tucking your chin and keeping your hands in front of you. Wearing a helmet and wrist guards can also help prevent serious injuries.
  5. Roll with the fall: If you do fall, try to roll with the fall to absorb the impact. Keep your limbs bent and avoid locking your joints.

Remember, falling is a natural part of learning to roller skate, and it's important to be patient and take it slow. With practice, you'll improve your balance and coordination, and be able to enjoy roller skating safely.

Falling on your skates

Falling backward is more dangerous and can result in serious injuries, such as a head injury. If you feel yourself losing balance, try to fall forward or to the side instead. When you're falling, try to bend your knees to absorb some of the impact and prevent injury. If you can, try to roll with the fall instead of fighting it. This can help reduce the impact and prevent injury. While it's a natural instinct to try to catch yourself with your hands, this can result in wrist or arm injuries. Instead, try to tuck your arms and roll with the fall. As counterintuitive as it may seem, practicing falling can actually help you become more comfortable with the idea of falling and help you learn how to fall safely. Try practicing falling in a controlled environment, such as on a soft surface with protective gear on. If you're feeling tired or are not feeling confident in your abilities, it's okay to take a break or stop skating for the day. Pushing yourself when you're not feeling up to it can increase the risk of falling and injury.

Falling backwards on roller skates or inline skates

Falling backward is one of the most common ways that roller skaters fall, and it can be particularly scary because of the risk of hitting your head on the ground. One important thing to keep in mind when falling backward on roller skates is to try to remain calm and avoid panicking. Panic can cause you to tense up and make the fall worse, so take a deep breath and try to stay focused.

Wearing proper protective gear, such as a helmet, wrist guards, knee pads, and elbow pads, is essential when roller skating. These items can help reduce the risk of injury if you do fall, so make sure to wear them every time you skate. Another way to reduce the risk of falling backward on roller skates is to work on improving your balance and core strength. By practicing balancing exercises and building up your core muscles, you can improve your overall stability and reduce the likelihood of falling.

Finally, it's important to practice falling in a controlled environment. Find a soft surface, such as a mat or a carpeted area, and practice falling backward while wearing your protective gear. This can help you become more comfortable with the idea of falling and learn how to fall safely. In summary, falling backward on roller skates can be scary, but by remaining calm, tucking your chin to your chest, bending your knees, and landing on the fleshy part of your lower back or buttocks, you can reduce the risk of injury. Wearing proper protective gear, working on your balance and core strength, and practicing falling in a controlled environment can also help you stay safe while roller skating.

How to brake on roller skates and inline skates

There are a few ways to brake on inline skates and roller skates.

  1. T-Stop: The T-Stop is the most popular method of braking. This technique involves positioning your skates in a T-shape, with one foot pointing forward and the other foot perpendicular to it, forming the base of the T. Shift your weight onto the foot pointing forward and drag the other foot behind you to create friction and slow down.
  2. Plow Stop: The plow stop is another popular technique, especially for beginners. This method involves turning your feet inward, so the wheels are pointed towards each other, while simultaneously bending your knees and leaning back to create a plow-like shape. This technique will slow you down and eventually bring you to a stop.
  3. Hockey Stop: The hockey stop is a more advanced technique that is often used in ice hockey. To perform this technique on inline or roller skates, you will need to turn your body sideways, drag the back skate perpendicular to the front one, and pivot on the front skate. This move will cause a sudden stop, so it's important to practice this technique gradually.
  4. Powerslide: The powerslide is another advanced technique that involves sliding your back skate sideways while maintaining your balance on the front skate. This technique can be used to slow down or stop, but it requires a lot of practice and skill to perform safely.

It's important to practice these techniques in a safe and controlled environment, such as a flat, empty parking lot, or a skate park. Remember to wear protective gear, including a helmet, wrist guards, elbow pads, and knee pads, and take it slow until you feel comfortable with each technique. You can also check out more of our video rollerblading lessons for beginners.

Professional freestyle slalom skater since 2006. Inline skates instructor. In the top 20 world best slalom skaters in the world at WSSA rank 2012-2018. Co-founder of InMove skates club and store in 2011. Event organizer of slalom and freeride competitons under WorldSlalomSeries. Creating helpful inline skates tutorials for beginners on YouTube channel InMoveSkates.

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